“We are hiring!”

Finney Hub is growing. We are looking for people who understand the disruptive load of innovation that the Crypto Economy will bring to the economy and the real world, and who are willing to help us embark thousands of firms into this world in the next few years.

Do you think the best business innovations related to NFTs, the metaverse, cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, and blockchain are yet to be developed? Do you want to help to develop them without being influenced by all the hype, but by looking at concrete business models?

How many hours do you spend poking around the world's most advanced DAOs, tokenization, and decentralized finance projects?

Do you want to be able to grow professionally and say in a few years' time 'I was there' when there will be crypto transition stories to tell?

Do you like the Crypto Economy and want to turn it into your profession?

Are you already familiar with the Crypto Economy and know how to work with DeFi, operate a wallet, trade cryptocurrencies, interact with a DAO?

How many hours do you spend figuring out which of these projects really have an impact on the economy and the real world and which ones are just destined to be transient hype?

If you've read this far, maybe got a little excited, and maybe have a background in economics, innovation management, marketing or strategic business (but not only!) Finney Hub may be the right environment for you.

You will help Finney Hub to grow and establish itself as the go-to place for businesses that want to enter and take advantage of the benefits brought by the Crypto Economy, having a direct impact on the real economy.

You will have the chance to be a protagonist from (almost) the very beginning and you will have the chance to make your mark because in Finney Hub you will constantly find yourself in uncharted terrain, where we will have to look for solutions together, as a team, day by day.

If you are interested, these are at the moment our open positions

Crypto Innovation Manager

About the role

Crypto Business Analyst

About the role

Spontaneous application

Due to the dynamic nature of the industry and the fluidity of Finney Hub, many more activities and responsibilities will emerge in the future!

If you are interested in becoming a FinneyHubber, but do not fit into one of the open positions, contact us anyway!
Send us your cv, a few words explaining why you are the right candidate, and a tweet you think is interesting.

Send in your application!

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